Saving a young buffalo with leg and hip fractures.

HomeSuccess storiesSaving a young buffalo with leg and hip fractures.

January 17, 2025

A buffalo was helplessly trapped on the side of a busy road. 

She had been hit by a car, and couldn’t stand. She must have been so hot and thirsty. We managed to transfer her into our ambulance using a hydraulic lift, and quickly brought her to our hospital, where we treated her for pain and inflammation and thoroughly examined her. She seemed to have a fractured hip, possibly a cracked or broken femur and a back injury. Her prognosis was not good. But she had such a vibrant spirit, we had to try.

After 3 days of good eating she still couldn’t stand on her own, and we knew that if she didn’t stand soon, she would die. Large animals like Violet must be able to stand and move about freely in order to digest their food properly. If they cannot stand they quickly get bloated–filled with gas–and that’s a very painful way to die.

Using many hands, many strong backs, we helped lift Violet into a travis– metal poles with very strong canvas belts to hold a large cow or buffalo who can’t stand on their own. This way the animal can gradually bear weight–or try to. But would it work for Violet?

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