Alone and badly injured, terrified little calf delights in his new family.

HomeSuccess storiesAlone and badly injured, terrified little calf delights in his new family.

June 2, 2023

This beautiful baby was separated from his mother by his owner and abandoned on the street leaving him totally defenseless.

Without his mother to protect him as mother cows fiercely protect their young, he was attacked by animals and badly injured. We can’t imagine how frightened he was, all alone for several days and nights until someone spotted him and called us to the rescue.

We began the weeks-long process of cleaning and dressing his deep wounds. As soon as it was bandaged, the huge wound on his back began to heal. But his little tail had been so damaged we had to amputate it.

Now, his pain was gone and he started to show us what he was really made of. Energetic, bright and growing fast, meet Wally now!

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