Head injured dog disoriented and unable to move. But meet Munna now!

HomeSuccess storiesHead injured dog disoriented and unable to move. But meet Munna now!

January 14, 2024

A vehicle must have hit this boy as he was trying to cross the road. He couldn’t stand; he couldn’t even turn his head. Though not unconscious, it wasn’t clear whether or not he was cognizing anything. He had no will or strength to resist, and lay as if surrendered in our arms.

When we got to the treatment table, he remained disoriented. He had no fractures. We put a plastic muzzle on him in case his senses “awoke” in fear, installed an IV drip line and treated him with our standard trauma protocol, followed by quiet and rest.

He slept for most of the following two days, but by Day 3, he managed to rise to a crouching position and ate with enthusiasm. That was when Munna showed us he would survive this. And did he ever!

Within just 2 weeks, Munna was a hundred percent back to normal. We vaccinated him on admission and as soon as he’d recovered, popped him in for sterilization surgery.

Munna is an adorable gent who would have probably died of dehydration and exposure if he hadn’t gotten emergency rescue.

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