Sweet dog looked defeated with painful mange infestation, healed!

HomeSuccess storiesSweet dog looked defeated with painful mange infestation, healed!

December 1, 2023

This dog’s red encrusted face looked almost like burn scars from a distance.

But once we got closer we could see that her face, throat, chest, armpits were fiery red because of an extremely ravaging case of mange. She could barely open her eyes, because the parasites had advanced to her eyelids, and she seemed to be wearing a mask of pure pain. She wouldn’t survive much longer without treatment. We took no chances of her getting away from us and caught her using the net.

But by the time we gently lifted her to the treatment table her exhaustion made her completely docile. She could barely stand. We immediately treated her for pain, and applied soothing cream over all the hurting tissue, and then gave her a few hours in the sunshine to rest and adjust to her new surroundings. We treated her with mange medicine including weekly medicated baths.

She was an extremely shy girl–at first! But watch this transformation to withdrawn and afraid, to falling in love, beaming in joy. Completely pain-free and all healed, meet delightful Daffodil now!

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