Abused donkey burned by hot water left to die rescued.

HomeSuccess storiesAbused donkey burned by hot water left to die rescued.

May 9, 2019

This donkey’s heart-breaking abuse left him stranded in the road, unable to move with scalding burns on his back that were filled with thousands of maggots.

His back was almost giving out and his lower legs shredded from rope burns by an unknown cruel owner. We rushed him into treatment that would last for 200 days and is still on-going, but today, gorgeous Birju is in our forever home, safe, recovering and full of cheerful personality. His wound is still not healed because of a condition called exuberant granulation, which can slow and prevent tissue re-growth in horses and donkeys. Managing this enormous wound has taken hundreds of caring hours but we’re seeing great progress in Birju’s overall condition, and his attitude suggests that he’s now free from pain.

We tell him every day that he’ll never again see his abuser, and he’ll never be forced to work again. He seems to understand.

Today Birju lives at Animal Aid Unlimited’s shelter in permanent sanctuary.

Sponsor Birju in our sanctuary!

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