With her last ounce of strength, she wagged her tail.

HomeSuccess storiesWith her last ounce of strength, she wagged her tail.

July 24, 2021

This sweetheart suffered with mange probably most of her short life, and the mange was winning

She had collapsed in the corner of a shed and would never have stood up again if rescuers had not arrived. At the sound of our voices, she found the strength to wag her tail, and her black button eyes told us all we needed to know. She needed help or she would die.

We hurried her to the hospital and gave her an IV drip to hydrate and nourish her. By morning she was already slightly improved, and we began treating her infected wounds and mange. Her progress was immediate, and with delight we helped give her the care and love she needed to blossom. Meet Cotton now!

The reason to help is in their eyes.

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